For Months

I was reluctant about telling my story because I felt it wasn't unique and there are probably a million and one stories like mine on the Internet right now. But then it hit me that my story is the truth of what I went through and truth doesn’t have to be unique or fancy, it only has to be the truth. And, right now people need the truth to navigate their paths on this Earth, not to mention stories from many others have helped to shape my path and brought me to this point where I can share my own story.

Being a professional model in New York City afforded me the uncommon opportunities to travel the world, meet lots of celebrities, have the best that the world has to offer, and live my best life. I was literally on top of the world and I didn't lack anything. But then in 2010 the unexpected happened and I came crashing down from my ivory tower to the deepest ditch. It was like a movie and it played right before my eyes and I had no control over anything.

Tired and depressed, I went back home and began sleeping on my parent's couch. My parents were understanding of the situation but I still felt bad and each time my mom & dad passed by and saw me sleeping on the couch, the shame and guilt I felt for failing them grew a thousand times. I even contemplated suicide because I couldn't see the need for my continued existence but God didn't let me go through with it.

I prayed to God for years and for a countless number of times but it felt like he wasn't listening to any of my prayers. But even when I didn't get any answer or sign from God, I never stopped praying, laughing, dancing, and thanking him even for the couch. Psalm 91 was my prayer partner.

Then it happened in 2020, ten years after my life took a turn for the worst, God gave my life a complete 180 degree turnaround which includes authoring books through Dream Sugar Cafe, and till today I still can't explain how it happened and why God did it for me. I thought God had left me, but He showed me that He was and has always been on my side. I am still on this journey and I know He has beautiful plans for my life and future. 

Now I am here to tell you that no matter what you are going through and even though I know that what I faced doesn't compare to what many others have seen or are seeing in their lives today, I still believe your condition is not beyond what God can turnaround. He is not sleeping and will never sleep because of you. Keep trusting and putting him first in your lives. Your time of visitation is near.

Author, Brooke Gantt's VIP Room

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Chapter 1 a.k.a. Secret Chronicles of Fashion Model: The Fugitive’s Girlfriend

Looking for a good read!

The good, the bad, the ugly, the untold erotic story shared through the eyes of a New York City fashion model Elizabeth Tight who has a secret life that is not so glamorous. This suspenseful novel is filled with celebrity and reckless relationships.

From teenage abuse to adulthood drama, dirty little secrets, lies, and juicy sex scandals, Chapter 1 is guaranteed to keep your eyes glued to 46 more chapters.

For many, there is a feeling of isolation. A scorn from believing God has turned his back on you, forcing you away when you needed Him most. What if I told you this is not true? That God has never left you and is waiting for you with open arms?

I have spent much of my life learning and having faith on how to overcome my personal issues so that I can return to God’s grace and mercy. Each story is inspired by true events and real-world scenarios written to help others realize the truth holding them back. Through the power of the written word and a desire to help all grow closer to God, I humbly present these tales and hope you find strength, wisdom, and the promise of the future in each.
— Brooke

The Becoming

Being extraordinarily beautiful does not mean true love comes easy! Top model Elizabeth Stone just can't seem to get it right. She has dated men from all walks of life but her search for "Mr. Right" always leads her to "Mr. Bad Boy." So, she stops looking and gives up...and that's when she encounters a devilishly handsome "nice guy" who captivates her mind, body, and soul.

Will this finally be her chance at real love and everlasting bliss with the man of her dreams? Or will this lead to her most devastating relationship?

Journey with Elizabeth in this captivating page-turner filled with love, drama, and an unexpected twist!

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